Tuesday, March 07, 2006

More work... yuck...

No post from me for a couple of days...

Basic run down of my life since Thursday... Friday was spent working with a quick trip to Paper Doll (lss) for more DT supplies, dinner at home with my in-laws, Saturday I got my Crocs from Rebal Sport (yay!), shopping in Frankston and running errands, bbq at my mum's for her bf's birthday, Sunday we went to the Dromana beach with my in laws (parents), SIL and nephew. Monday bumming around home (I think, can't remember LOL) and going out for dinner in Cranbourne for my brother's birthday (forgot my camera so no photos) and then today...

Josh had a 9am appointment to see an eye doctor in Frankston. At 9.45am we see the first of two doctors, then finally the second doctor, surgery is decided to fix his infected eye and then we had to book the surgery. I was trying to get to work by 10-10.30am... yeah right, more like after 11am. I worked until 3pm, came home cooked dinner and did normal house stuff and being online is the first time I have had to really sit down and just veg all day long... Thank god! I am working again tomorrow (half day) and Drew is in chi

ldcare for the first time ever! It works out cheaper to have Drew in childcare one day a week with Josh and Nikki going two days a week compared to the two days Josh and Nikki were in... Bonus for me! Drew won't be in a full day like Josh and Nikki as he is just too young still. Nat is on nightshift tonight (the start of two weeks) and Nikki was extreamly precious last night so I am hoping for a much better night tonight.

All from me, only I will leave you with some pics of the day at the beach.

Josh digging sand at the beach and then trying to throw it (next photo)

Callum running seriously hard (nephew) away from the water? Doesn't sound right though as you couldn't get him out of the water... Dh was taking photos whilst I was in the water with DS#! and DD.


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