Friday, February 03, 2006

Finally finished it!

My plan was today to tidy the house (for mum’s group coming over tomorrow), scrap two layouts and take Drew to the doctor’s and get a blood test done…

Nothing is as ever as it is planned is it!

I wrote the above on Wednesday with the plan to post, but that didn’t happen. My little Drew-be is crook. He has broncleittis (sp.) and was pretty close to being admitted to hospital… He is on a script now but we are going back to the doctors in 15 mins. to check him out again. He isn’t picking up as well as he should be…

I finally finished my garden grot layout. It took me 6 days worth of stitching to get all the flowers done (and has been done for over a week now) and all I have been waiting for it alphabets with my order to arrive. Today, (obviously) it finally arrived.

I had so much else I was going to write but it has all escaped me now (not sleeping well due to Drew being so sick) and yeah…. Just a little scatterbrained right now!


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